
Product Introduction

PDC thrust bearing: Suitable for downhole conditions. The test results show that under the condition of open mud lubrication and cooling, the maximum specific pressure is 32MN/m, the speed is 400rev/min, and the PV value is up to 30MN/mm/s. The PDC thrust

product name:Type 3 PDC thrust bearing
Release time:2018-11-20 16:27:00
Times of browsing:

  • The specifications:φ124 xφ80 x H26 φ148 xφ91.5 x H26 PDC bearings can withstand immense pressure from an enormous axial load, have enormous resistance, and work under high temperatures of about 233 degrees Celsius.
    The PDC has a smaller coefficient of friction and is not affected by natural and chemical substances in the drilling fluid. Each pair of PDC thrust bearings consists of upper and lower rings. Each of which consists of a carbide ring and a composite sheet.
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