


          Juxin has accumulated over 20 years in the field of ultra-hard materials and ultra-hard materials products, actively absorbed international advanced technologies, vigorously invested in scientific and technological R &D , obtained patent authorization for a number of achievements, and formed the core technology of independent intellectual property rights, laying a solid foundation for better breakthroughs.

响水县| 松江区| 磐安县| 洱源县| 静乐县| 迭部县| 夏邑县| 河源市| 德清县| 仙桃市| 伊吾县| 林甸县| 太湖县| 基隆市| 张家港市| 临沂市| 新泰市| 玛多县| 临潭县| 玉林市| 睢宁县| 济源市| 安陆市| 邵阳县| 桐柏县| 温州市| 柏乡县| 安福县| 邻水| 铁岭县| 铜川市| 萨迦县| 罗江县| 新沂市| 本溪| 汤阴县| 和龙市| 和田县| 徐水县| 施秉县| 天柱县|